Tuesday, December 28

Hi C: I'm updating my blog at Starbucks. You know why? That's because my land line sucks like shit! Grrrr! I'm so mad because I can't even make calls! Somethings wrong with my house phone line. And that's definitely Telekom's problem alright. Haha!

Anywayys,2010 is coming to an end and welcome 2011. Now thinking back what I've achieved this year. Or maybe I should list out how I've changed/been throughout the year C:
  1. I'm much more determined in doing things
  2. I'm much more wiser in making choices in my life
  3. I started to BELIEVE IN JESUS!
  4. I go to church more often than before
  5. I've grown an age older
  6. I'm keeping my hair long and decided not to cut it for some time haha!
  7. I've made many great friends!
  8. I've gained a lot of knowledge!
  9. I'm getting close with some of my friends :) now that's a good thing!
  10. I felled in love THRICE this year,THRICE! and that's s
  11. I'm now more independent and responsible! :DD
to tell the truth,there's still lot more to list but I just can't list out that much cause it will take forever LOL. and dammit I didn't bring my laptop's charger! (-_-+) ahhh-it's been so long since i last blog this long! The day before I read thru my old blog. I find it very very interesting and I actually learned something from it you know. I encourage you to do this before 2010 ends,trust me you will be surprised!
It's been months since you last called to my phone.
When my phone lights up
and I see your name on the screen
I get all these butterflies in my stomach.

I spent weeks thinking about you
I spent months trying to figure out the best way to forget you
I thought I did
But not until you called me.

thank you,I will say to you
For I kept that smile
all the way into my dream
into my fairy tale.


Sunday, December 26

Just now i accidentally stepped on my cereal and that turned me into a cereal killer

Thursday, December 23

I personally love this photo! :D haha!

anyways this is the 22nd's post butta i'm updating it now cause i'm still wide awake c: Happy Winter Solstice people! mm-mm i love 汤圆! C: yummy-yumm! So i went out with Su after the family dinner. We went to the beach but since it was raining we decided to go for K-box session! hahah! so the two of us sang like crazy for an hour more LOL. I tell you what,May Day's 恋爱 ING is a must sing weih!

Wednesday, December 22

Give me mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooore time!
there's too many photos!
happy birthday to Jackson (:
And also Happy Winter Solstice!

Saturday, December 18

There are big ships

small ships


the best ship of all

is friendship.

  • 我现在才发现原来我有很多的第一次在这次的寻根之旅中不见了!
  • 说真的,在我参加过那么多次的旅行中,这次是最好玩的!难以形容呃~
  • 还有,我很懒惰更新叻~怎么办?算了,我还是更新吧!
  • 问题是,照片都不在我这里啦!忧闷-ing
  • 好!我答应你们,我一定更新我的部落格!我一定会将在云南那十一天里过的点点滴滴全都写下!照片也给上载!
  • 好了吧?
  • 拜拜咯!